Everyone has Guardian Angels
Synchronicities, Serendipities, Magical Moments…
Do you find coins in strange places?
Suddenly you look down and there’s a dime, or a quarter…How did that get there?
You think of someone and they text or phone
A number series that you keep seeing…
What does it mean?
How do I connect with my Angel?
When is the best time?
What can I ask of them?
What signs do they give me?
Does my Angel have a name?
It all begins with becoming quiet inside. Allowing yourself to let things happen…then notice. Notice…and write it down
Find out more at the Metaphysical, Psychic & Wellness Fair
Angels and Sacred numerology
This year at Wonder Transformation & Freedom,
Kathy is an Ambassador and Gene Keys Guide, offering the full Golden Path Program, individual Gene Key Profile guidance and hosting the Seven Sacred Seals Contact her for more information…