HypnoBirthing continues to help parents experience a renewed Joy in Birth.
Train and prepare, intending to create the birth experience you want for your baby and family. Preparation means educating yourself and knowing your options
What do I want? What do I believe is possible? What about my own birth, what does my family believe? How does my birth partner feel about birth?
What are my deepest fears?
When you know, you can choose, when you choose, you can prepare for it and aim high.
Kathy is a Certified HypnoBirthing Child Care Educator, with over 20 years experience as trainer & Birth Doula and Labour Coach
HypnoBirthing® - A Celebration of Life
HypnoBirthing® is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing based on the belief that all babies should come into the world in an atmosphere of gentility, calm and joy. When a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally and spiritually, she can experience that sort of joy, birthing her baby in an easier, more comfortable and often, even pain-free manner. Through a well-thought-out program of deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and education, HypnoBirthing® returns a woman to birth in a natural, intuitive way to birth her baby in safety and with ease. HypnoBirthing® is based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be an accompaniment of birthing.