Mindfulness for Beginners


E-Book by Kathy Welter Nichols

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E-Book by Kathy Welter Nichols

E-Book by Kathy Welter Nichols


This might seem more complicated than meditation., partly because everyone is talking about mindfulness. Each has an opinion of what they think "Mindful" really is. It's even making its way into media today, marketing, and advertising: "Make the mindful choice".

What is mindful?
What is a mindful practice?
How long will it take me to learn how to be mindful?
Is mindful for me?
How will I know if I'm doing it right?
How can this book help me?

Mindful awareness connects the body and the mind initially and then brings focused attention to everything around you. The awareness of mind and body and how they are working together in synchronization, and then the awareness of all that is around you.  It opens up awareness to all there is 

Mindful is becoming aware of what the mind is thinking, and then not thinking, and allowing that observing without trying to change or control it. It's awareness of what is - at the moment without trying to change anything or resist... in fact, there is no effort to be mindful... it's just awareness of what is without any embellishments.

Mindful is the ability to be aware, bring our awareness to what is arising in the moment. Seeing with both eyes, and inviting the inner awareness to be present to the experience observing without the need to change or resist what is, just being with it. Awareness. And it's often from the place of non-judgment. As soon as we enter into judgment of what is we have left mindful awareness, and moved to a different perspective.

Kathy has over 35 years working with clients consciously bringing to awareness what it is to be mindful